Stefan Karrer
Cool clouds that look like they should be spelling something, but they don't

In Cool clouds that look like they should be spelling something, but they don't (2012/2016), Stefan Karrer searched in the Internet for pictures that were described using terms like "cloud', "wave" or "rock" combined with adjectives like "cool", "crazy" or "lonely". A computer-generated female voice leads his video's audience through this collection of images and keywords. Quickly, the viewer begins to see the absurd side of this picture collection: Through the repetitive descriptions and associations attached to the images on the Internet, seemingly subjective moments in nature come across as uniform sensations. At the same time, the comments make clear that these shared images from the Internet do not correspond to real moments. Together with the poetic reflections on the image at the beginning and end of the video, the anonymous descriptions make clear that nature, to which the artist refers, is composed of a multiplicity of perspectives and voices.