div. [property]

The Website div.[property] consists of an animation in which the two standard desktop background images of the Mac Leopard and Windows XP operating systems intersect horizontally, vertically and diagonally in a constant rotation. It playfully enacts the split in the user community between these two most frequently used operating systems.
The title refers to the Internet programming languages HTML and Javascript. The div. label defines a field or a section in an HTML document to which a property is assigned – here the rotations of the two background images with Java.
As in their famous game-modification works, these two pioneers of Internet art separate individual elements of a commercial product from their original context and reassemble them as a new Internet artwork. Usually, the deconstruction is accompanied by a shift in roles, as is the case here, where the images change from static backgrounds to leading actors in a new work.
(Text: Bettina Back)