Maria Guta
Day of my Life, 31.03.2020

Die Künstlerin Maria Guta war während des ersten Lockdowns der Covid 19 Pandemie in Bukarest in Rumänien (ihrem Geburtsland) gestrandet und konnte monatelang nicht zurück in die Schweiz reisen, wo sie in Neuchatel lebt. Für die HEK Net Works Reihe realisierte sie ein Video, das sie in der Wohnung in Bukarest zeigt, in der sie sich als gelangweilte Hausfrau inszeniert. Mit der ironischen Brechung ihrer Situation thematisierte Guta einerseits ihre Erfahrungen im sogenannten Ostblock aufgewachsen zu sein, wie auch die aktuelle Situation der sozialen Distanzierung und Vereinsamung während der Pandemie.
Statement der Künstlerin: «In an age where the idea of a totalitarian, restrictive regime is mostly a somber reminder of a pre-1989 era (or material for dystopian scenarios) it’s interesting to observe how the world – starting with some of the most democratic countries – is suspending «voluntarily a couple of the most basic human rights and freedoms by imposing the first nationwide lockdowns since World War II. And, although the causes are of a very different nature today, I can’t stop myself from drawing a line between the current restrictions and those experienced by prior generations (me included, as a kid growing up in Romania in the late 80s) under totalitarian regimes.
During Ceausescu’s dictatorship but also a while after (through the harsh transitional period that followed the “89 revolution), the greatest form of escapism were Hollywood movies (in communism only available through the VHS black market). Because of my then early age and a certain naivety, I initially became fascinated with American „cheap” cinema, soap operas and later on Latin-American telenovelas, where everyday life was blending in a fantasy world and reality was basically represented as illusion. This fictional form of escapism was very “first-degree” rewarding for eyes and senses, and most comforting in times of discomfort. That’s also when I started impersonating different characters, which is a big part of my practice today.
All the best from Bucharest!»
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